Friday, September 28, 2012

4 Weeks with Grace: My Favorite Word of Webster’s

Did any of you parents out there obsess about baby names when you were pregnant? Or did you somehow already know what your child’s name would be? I was a little hypocritical during my pregnancy because I kept telling everyone that I wanted to meet our little one before deciding on a name, but somehow deep in my heart, I knew if we had a girl her name was already decided. I gravitated towards this name because of what it means. It’s a word that has literally transformed my life and if I ever got to have a daughter I wanted her to be named for it. I can’t even begin to express how relieved I was when I told Seth the name and he didn’t banish it to the land of no hope by giving it a veto. 

Even though I already had my favorite girl name picked out, I had a unique moment when I was about six months pregnant that helped solidify it as my number one choice. I was driving by myself and of course daydreaming about the moment when the doctor places your baby on your chest. I imagined the scenario with Seth shouting, “It’s a boy!” and then he would ask me what his name was and I would turn towards him and say, “This is ____” After a few rounds of this I realized I hadn’t played out the situation of the baby being a girl. I pictured a baby girl being placed on my chest and as the imaginary me in my mind said her name, I instantaneously burst into tears! There was no build up with my eyes starting to well and my throat getting tight. All of a sudden I was just completely sobbing. It was strange. After a few minutes I regained my composure and I think I even said out loud to myself, “That was weird.” I figured it was just my wacky pregnancy hormones up to their usual strangeness. I had no idea that my emotional freak-out was a weird way of my body responding to the little life that was growing inside of me.

Yesterday I had another emotional moment but this time I got to experience it with my little one. I picked up my daughter as she woke from her nap and as usual started talking to her. I usually tell her lovey dovey things that would be embarrassing for me if anyone ever overheard. On every other day this conversation has been one-sided for the most part. She might be looking at me but it’s not like she can answer back. Yesterday was the first time I got a response from her and it sent my heart soaring. I lifted her up so her eyes were level with mine. As soon as she was inches away, she gave me a smile that took up her whole face. I started laughing and swaying her back and forth and thought, “What did I do to deserve this?” There is an answer to that question, and the answer is..nothing.

What do you call it when you are given something you don’t deserve? The definition for that…is Grace.

"Grace: defined as the love and mercy given to us by God because God wants us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it" -Wikipedia 

How did you pick your child’s name?

P.S. I sincerely love hearing from you! I don’t have to be the only one who does all the talking every week. Let’s make this a two-way conversation :)
You can leave comments here on the blog or if you know me personally you can write to me on Facebook. 



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