Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 19: I'm either laughing or crying

Week 19: I’m either laughing or crying

Before I got pregnant my life was dramatically different. I was living in San Diego, away from my family and working at a stressful (however incredibly rewarding) job. One night when I was bawling about something that was upsetting me, Seth very sensitively tried to put it in the most positive way possible by saying, “Babe, you process through tears, and that’s ok.”

Since we have moved to closer to my family, God has literally made many of my life-long dreams come true. I’m now a short drive away from my family, Seth and I bought a house(We had only lived in apartments until this point), and we are starting a family. Honestly, I don’t have a whole lot to be sad about right now and I’m very thankful for that.
However, lately I think I’m definitely hitting the whole stereotypical phase of experiencing emotions that are out of my realm. I hardly ever cry during movies. It’s got to be something equivalent to a child saying goodbye to his dying mother for me to have a physical reaction. Usually my throat will close up a bit and my eyes might get a little wet. Now a scenario like that would send me to the place of verbal “ugly” crying! I saw the Hunger Games this weekend and I think I was crying during about 40% of the movie! Literally, shoulders shaking, nose sniffling, tears running down my face. For those of who haven’t seen the movie, sure there are some “touching’ moments here and there, but it’s definitely not a movie that a normal non-pregnant person would be bawling over!

My family celebrated my birthday last weekend. Up until this point the majority of any baby gifts I’ve gotten have been adorable little outfits. My older brother, Eric, gave me some very thoughtful things. After he told me the gifts were “actually” for little one I anxiously opened a Costco size bottle of Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. I just stared at the bottle with a huge smile on my face. I got an image in my mind of little baby hands splashing, giggles and squeals. It was one of those moments where I was like, “This just got real. And I’m so incredibly excited.”

Things to look forward to: Our FIRST ultrasound is coming up next week! I’ve been very anxiously anticipating this day from the moment I saw the double lines on the stick. I’ve been so jealous of my pregnant friends who have had early ultrasounds. I want the cold blue gel on MY belly! More importantly, I want to see my child! I’m pretty sure that will be another one of those “This just got real” moments!

Moms (and Dads)-Did you have any “ah-ha” moments like I did with the baby shampoo? Where you sort of froze and it really truly started to hit you how much your life is going to change? Feel free to share by leaving a comment!
*I fixed a setting on the blog so now people without google accounts can leave a comment. Just click on the choice “Anonymous” to leave your comment. Please make sure to include your name in the post if you want me to know who you are!

Shantastic :)


  1. I LOVE this Shanna! When the baby first had the hiccups and my belly moved all by itself for the first time. You just wait for that...then you really feel like something has taken over your belly :)

  2. Shanna, I love reading your posts!! You have an excellent use of words and putting your feelings down on "paper." I'm so excited for you and the amazing mommy you are going to be!! Keep the posts coming!
    -Nichole Beutlich :)

  3. I'm loving these makes me feel like I'm right there with you...Momma Nae Nae
