Thursday, June 7, 2012

Almost week 29

Hello my faithful readers! If you're reading this you are indeed a faithful follower because you figured out I always post on Thursdays :) Unfortunately I've been traveling this week and am not quite finished with this week's post. I'm in the "editing" stage and will have it up very soon.

I'll leave you with this funny story.

At the airport I was feelin' my whole 29 weeks. Everything seemed heavier than normal and all my destinations were farther away than they used to be. The moving walkway literally saved my life. It was impossible to get comfortable on the flight and I had a moment when I had to wake Seth up so I could sprawl my legs across his lap to keep myself from fainting. Why did that help the lack of bloodflow to my brain? I'm not quite sure. But he turned on the fan of cold air and after a few minutes of breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth I stopped seeing little black dots.

As we were hauling our luggage to our friend's car Seth took the two heavier suitcases and I took my small carry on and the other large suitcase. I had hit my limit. I was convinced that TSA had somehow tricked me by loading my suitcase with sand. Seth realized he was a good ten feet in front of me and said, "I'll run up ahead with these two and then come get those from you." I could have just stopped right there and waited for him but I suppose I didn't want to look weak. I slowed down even more but stubbornly kept making one painful step after another. As sweat was beginning to drip down my face I saw Seth running back towards me. He grabbed the suitcases from me and screamed, "Babe! No wonder you were having trouble! One of the wheels is broken on the big suitcase!"

Shantastic :)

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