Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 33: Adult-sized onesie: Check.

I’ve always loved babies and children, so the idea of becoming a mom has always been a natural thought for me. It’s totally within my comfort zone to play with baby toys and make silly noises during lunchtime. I also tried to inherit my dad’s “Who gives a ______” attitude when it comes to accessing your inner child. Two weeks ago at Home Depot my mom and I were bored to tears as we followed the men around the store. I said I was starting to get tired so my mom came to the rescue. She grabbed a cart and said, “Hop in!” I think she was kidding but I thought the idea was too tempting to decline. Somehow I got in without injuring myself. Even though it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to climb into something with wheels, it sure made Home Depot more exciting. I never want to stop embracing “the silly” and I hope my kids bring it out in me even more. I think life is way more enjoyable when you are ready to play.

I think one of the many reasons I was drawn to Seth is because I see the same playfulness in him. The first time we went to the beach I plopped down on my towel and was ready to settle into some serious lounging. Seth sat next to me for about three minutes and then started inventing things to do because he was bored. He wanted to play. After he built a pretty impressive sandcastle complete with sticks and seaweed we ended up having a rock-throwing contest that I obviously lost. One thing I know about Seth is he will always be ready to play. When he sees a toddler or preschooler he doesn’t see a booger eating, energy-sucking terror like many people would. He sees a playmate.

In many ways I’m sure Seth and I will be blown away by how unprepared we are for parenthood. We’ll have to grow and adapt as each situation presents itself. But I do feel confident that we are ready for the silliness. I even made a list to document how we already embrace the silly in our lives.  

Top ten reasons why we are ready for kids:
10. We went on a date to the movies…and chose to see Madagascar 3
9. Our tv/family room is decorated with a superhero theme (my idea, not Seth’s!)
8. Our house is ALWAYS stocked with ice cream
7. We already own 98% of all the Disney Pixar and DreamWorks movies
6. Last Christmas we made our own Christmas cookies without cookie cutters. Then we searched the cupboards for what we could decorate them with. Sixlets on a Christmas cookie…why not?
5. We’ve been to Dairy Queen 5 times in the last month
4. Seth has always been good at taking naps and since becoming pregnant I have become a master at it as well.
3. For a costume party we dressed up as Sully and Boo from Monster’s Inc. I was Sully. Seth was Boo. For those of who aren’t familiar with the movie, Boo is a two-year old little girl who wears purple tights.
2. Because of our dogs we have already experienced the shock and horror of accidentally getting poop on our hands. 
1.  We both own an adult sized onesie. Seth has actually had his for years. Mine was a Christmas present.

And the cherry on top of my delicious list of reasons why we will be ready to have fun with our children…Seth agreed to let me take a picture of us in our onesies. I saw the baby onesie a few months ago and just had to buy it so daddy and little one can match someday. However, Brendon’s is one step up because it glows in the dark.

Now that I’m on the home stretch I’ve heard those nasty Braxton Hicks contractions can start hitting at anytime. At my last doctor appointment something very encouraging happened. First of all, I never thought I would be able to have a male obgyn. But my doctor came with many recommendations so I figured since there really is no way to guarantee I will only have female doctors for this whole experience I might as well just go for it. After I met him for the first time I immediately felt better. He is probably in his late forties, doesn’t give off a creeper vibe, and always wears an epic bowtie. It’s not a hokey clown type; it’s classic. At my last appointment he was measuring my tummy and he said, “Oh..are you feeling that?” I said, “No, what?” He replied, “You’re having a contraction right now.” I turned to Seth with a look of absolute glee on my face and said, “Babe! Maybe it WILL be that easy!” Dr. Bowtie said that right now they probably won’t hurt yet. He made sure there was an emphasis on the word “yet.” I’m still ignorantly hopeful.

Things I can’t wait to do again when my baby stops hijacking my body:
Sleep on my tummy
Eat lunchmeat without worrying about bacterial disease

Mommies: What was it for you that you couldn’t wait to do again?

Shantastic :)  


  1. I never wanted to sleep on my back until I got pregnant and big and couldn't...then that's all I wanted to do! I also missed eating eggs with runny yolks, eating lunchmeat, doing anything remotely dangerous or that required a good sense of balance, going on rides, and a bunch of other stuff I've now forgotten. But now that I'm not pregnant (or nursing!), I feel kinda free! :D

  2. Caroline, I must have missed the memo on no runny yolks...OOPS! :) I've been making over-easy eggs the entire pregnancy. I'll try and stick to scrambled from now on! Now my list of things I can't wait for is getting longer the bigger I get :) I can't wait to be able to carry more than one thing at a time and not have to use the leverage of both legs to get out of the car :D
